Starting seeds inside

On a recent trip to my Home Improvement Mega Store I made an impulse purchase and picked up some organic Vine Tomatoes, Cucumber and Bell Pepper seed packets. I used egg cartons and cooking trays for germination, with Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix (probably not the best choice), it was a bit chunky for seed germination. I then covered them in plastic and hoped that it was hot enough inside. I moved them around whenever there was a sunny windows.

The cucumbers were the first to germinate, perhaps 3 days. The tomatoes took almost 7 days and the peppers took the longest. I made the mistake of putting peppers and tomatoes in the same container and removed the plastic too early for the peppers. I read online somewhere that you should remove the plastic as soon as the seeds start to sprout, so as soon as the tomatoes sprouted I removed the plastic to allow them full sun. The temperature of the soil must have lowered significantly and this stunted the pepper germination significantly. After a couple of days I figured out my mistake and put plastic on the half of the container with the peppers on them. Now I can see the peppers starting to sprout and am excited to get those going as well.

Here is my homegrown indoor seed germination setup.


  1. where is the mention of the brilliant gardening help from your failed vegetable grower, mother???

  2. We will see what happens. No fruit = no success yet. But you did help plant the seeds, and I learned some things from it.


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